Someone with which to share a laugh, a meal, a story, or a tear: a true friend is food for the soul. Playing the role of companions, motivators, confidants and even teachers, good friends are hard to find, but if you have even one, count yourself lucky. Take a step back for a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the many benefits friends have to offer.
'Green' Articles

Eating Organic: Beneficial in More Ways than One
What Does ‘Organic’ Mean?
Organic foods are claimed to be grown and processed using environmentally sound methods absent from chemical toxins, artificial…

Bring your glass bottles back to your local retail outlet or bottle return deposit
Did you know that 40% of the glass bottles you put in your recycling bins actually end up in landfills? Bottle return programs recycle and reuse 100% of the bottles they…

Consider carpooling
Share driving duties with a fellow colleague at work, ask around at your son’s soccer practice to find other parents in your area, and drive in groups with your friends when…