Someone with which to share a laugh, a meal, a story, or a tear: a true friend is food for the soul. Playing the role of companions, motivators, confidants and even teachers, good friends are hard to find, but if you have even one, count yourself lucky. Take a step back for a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the many benefits friends have to offer.
'Health' Articles

Stock the family fridge with fresh veggies and fruit.
These foods are known to heighten your energy levels throughout the day. Remember, if chips and cookies are nowhere to be found in the house, they won’t be eaten. …

Eat sustainably.
Drop the diet and make a lifestyle change instead. Don’t eliminate certain foods altogether, but instead eat healthy on a regular basis and let yourself indulge once…

Take the necessary time to make healthy meals.
When you’re in a rush and on the go, plan ahead. Instead of settling for the fast food joint at the corner, pack a lunch the night before or take a well-deserved break…