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Eating Organic: Beneficial in More Ways than One
What Does ‘Organic’ Mean?
Organic foods are claimed to be grown and processed using environmentally sound methods absent from chemical toxins, artificial ingredients, chemical preservatives and ionizing radiation. It is said that, in any organic food, those ingredients not organically produced are subject to various agricultural requirements.
Organic farming methods were thought to be introduced as a means to preserve water and soil, and to reduce pollution.
What Does it Mean to ‘Eat Organic’?
Eating organic tends to refer to those who consume foods that are thought not to have been processed using artificial methods such as food irradiation or chemical ripening.
Over the past few years, the organic food market has grown significantly. Many believe that organically produced food tastes better and is less harmful to the human body.
Positive Impact on the Environment
Does eating organic actually benefit the environment? Some believe the answer is yes! Since it is claimed that no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used to grow organic food and since the use of such materials is harmful to the soil, when you choose organic over conventional, there is the possibility that you are conserving the environment.
Advantages to Organic Farming
Organic farming is said to promote healthy soil fertility and biodiversity. It claims to use less energy and consume less oil. Microorganisms present in soil may be conserved through the use of organic fertilizers, mulches and composts. Weed growth can be minimized, and pest control may be achieved through various planting schemes.
Organic farming claims to use sustainable and natural food growth practices. In the production of organic milk, meat, poultry and fish, animal welfare is said to be of paramount importance. It appears that animals are treated fairly and fed well. Your commitment to consume organically farmed foods demonstrates your support for these ethical claims, and alleged ecological and biological farming methods.
Organic Food Options in the Marketplace
If you are interested in making the switch from conventional to organic, there are a few options to take note of.
Local Grocery StoreIf you’ve never noticed it before, pay a visit to your local grocery store and see if it has a dedicated organic food section. Today, most grocery stores offer organically inclined consumers a selection of organic foods.
Farmer’s MarketFind a local farmer’s market in your area. Support local farmers and economy by purchasing fresh food right from the source.
Specialty StoresAs organic eating grows in popularity, new specialty markets are popping up around the country. These food markets provide you with the large-scale grocery shopping experience, but with an organic focus. Instead of searching the conventional grocery store for its small organic section, at an organic food store you’d likely be hard pressed to find a conventional section.
Take a moment to evaluate the importance of your health, the environment and animal welfare. For many, eating organic is a responsible choice they feel good about, personally and socially.