Social (Illustration)

Being sensational isn’t just about how you look; a large part of it is in what you do and how you eat! Try incorporating some of these ideas into your day and see just how sensational you can really feel.

Soymilk is an excellent source of protein.

As much as staying active and keeping busy are important

sometimes we need a day off.  Plan a day all to yourself.  Use one of those hard-earned vacation days before year-end to regroup and refuel.  Even just one day…


Start a new activity that you’ve always been interested in

Whether it be a cooking class, guitar lesson, or beach volleyball league, a new social activity is good for the mind, body and soul.


Life is short.  Let go of your grudges

and call that certain someone who did you wrong in the past.  Or email that old friend of yours who you haven’t spoken to in years, and yet you have no idea why. …