Personal Health (Illustration)
Personal Health

Being sensational isn’t just about how you look; a large part of it is in what you do and how you eat! Try incorporating some of these ideas into your day and see just how sensational you can really feel.

Eat slowly and enjoy your food.

Forgive the people who have wronged you.

Even though you may feel upset, let down or betrayed, find it in your heart to forgive.  It takes far more energy to live in a state of anger than in one of happiness. …



Even when you’re in the worst mood, force yourself to smile.  Studies show that regardless of how you feel at any given point in time, when you smile your mood is elevated. …


Everyone has a junk drawer.

Dedicate a day before school starts for the whole family to empty their junk drawers.  Besides, you’ll all need room for this year’s junk!