Personal Health (Illustration)
Personal Health

Being sensational isn’t just about how you look; a large part of it is in what you do and how you eat! Try incorporating some of these ideas into your day and see just how sensational you can really feel.

Use soymilk to make delicious mashed potatoes.

Say yes to positivity.

Spend time with people who make you feel good.  Try never to be the sour apple of the bunch and instead, embrace all that you have with love and appreciation. 


Change up your workout routine.

Every once in a while the body needs different exercises in order to continually give you the positive results you want to see for your hard work.  Instead of the Elliptical…


A goal doesn’t always have to be big or long term.

Wake up tomorrow and think of something you’d like to accomplish before the day is out – something that you would feel good about completing.  Stick to it and see how…