Personal Health (Illustration)
Personal Health

Being sensational isn’t just about how you look; a large part of it is in what you do and how you eat! Try incorporating some of these ideas into your day and see just how sensational you can really feel.

Cool down to a glass of Sensational Soy instead of pop.

Have weekly meetings as a family to discuss the cleanliness of your house.

Ask everyone what they’d like to change to make it a more pleasurable place to live.  Make house cleaning a more collaborative effort that involves equal contribution…


Soy Into Summer

Liven up your family’s healthy meals this summer using Sensational Soy.  After a long winter of soups, roasts and oven-baked casseroles, it’s time to introduce…


Think of life as a marathon, not a 100-metre sprint.

Instead of short routes and quick fixes choose sensible, sustainable, and slow-moving actions to create longevity and long-term happiness.