Someone with which to share a laugh, a meal, a story, or a tear: a true friend is food for the soul. Playing the role of companions, motivators, confidants and even teachers, good friends are hard to find, but if you have even one, count yourself lucky. Take a step back for a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the many benefits friends have to offer.
'Happiness' Articles

Say yes to positivity.
Spend time with people who make you feel good. Try never to be the sour apple of the bunch and instead, embrace all that you have with love and appreciation.

Life is short. Let go of your grudges
and call that certain someone who did you wrong in the past. Or email that old friend of yours who you haven’t spoken to in years, and yet you have no idea why. …

Looking for a “pick-me-up?”
Everyone has days like these but this time try to approach it a little differently. Instead of focusing on the cause of your frustrations, think of all the reasons you…