Someone with which to share a laugh, a meal, a story, or a tear: a true friend is food for the soul. Playing the role of companions, motivators, confidants and even teachers, good friends are hard to find, but if you have even one, count yourself lucky. Take a step back for a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the many benefits friends have to offer.
'Happiness' Articles

Use meaningful catch phrases
to change the way you think. Jolt your mind out of the negative and into the positive with a few quick words that really hit home. When impactful ideas are fresh…

We all have a ‘snapping point’.
Although life’s curve balls will sometimes make you want to overreact, losing your temper usually only makes you feel worse. Before you respond, take a deep breath,…

Don’t take life too seriously.
Find a good balance between work and play. Make goals and have aspirations but never forget that life is short. Be sure to find time to enjoy the little things that…