How To Do Your Part for the Environment this Holiday Season
Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.

How To Do Your Part for the Environment this Holiday Season

Even though the holidays have us wrapped up in family, friends, parties and entertainment, let’s try to find some time to do our small part for the environment.  After all, the holidays are a time for giving, right?

A New Approach to Greeting Cards

Billions of commercial holiday cards are sent out every year.  If you’re someone who enjoys spreading holiday cheer via mail, consider buying cards printed on recycled paper this year.  When recycled cards are purchased from charities, usually some of the money you spend is donated to charity as well – double the good deed.

Recycled Wrapping Paper

Purchase recycled wrapping paper this year and use it sparingly.  Leave your stocking stuffers unwrapped.  For those gifts you do wrap, be sure to recycle the waste after the fun is over – or better yet, fold and store the leftovers in a cupboard to reuse next year.

Toys for the Long Term

Buy good quality toys to last.  Plastic toys tend to fall apart quickly which only creates unnecessary waste faster, not to mention the fact that it takes far more energy to produce them.  Make a smart decision for the environment and spend your money on toys made from wood for greater durability.  Choose toys that have an environmental theme or important lesson.  Give your children the opportunity to learn about the environment at an early age.

Entertaining Guests

On those days when it’s your responsibility to host a big crowd of people at your home, it can be tempting to use disposable items that are less of a hassle to clean up.  Try to avoid Styrofoam cups, plastic plates and non-recyclable utensils that only contribute to more waste.  Create a cleaning assembly line with your family so that everyone helps and you’re not left to tackle the overwhelming duty on your own.

Watch for waste at the end of a big holiday meal.  If you find yourself with loads of leftovers, send them home with your guests instead of tossing them in the trash.

Mode of Travel

If you usually fly by plane over the holidays, consider taking the train or bus for shorter trips.  You’ll save money and in the meantime you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy a more scenic route before arriving at your destination.  No matter what your mode of travel, consider the offset of your emissions.  Your money will contribute to projects dedicated to reforestation, renewable energy, fuel savings, waste reduction and landfill management.

If your family lives close by, consider carpooling in groups to each other’s houses this year.  Save gas and reduce your vehicle emissions.

Turn Down the Heat

If you’re baking or cooking in the kitchen, turn down the heat in your home.  When the oven is on, the stove is heated, and you’re fluttering about the kitchen with a chef’s hat on, you’ll be surprised how much heat your body retains.  Take advantage of this and save on central heat.  Encourage your children to wear sweaters and put the thermostat a tad lower this holiday season.  Keep warm next to a beautiful fire in the family room instead of raking up a huge gas bill.

With a little planning and a big heart, you can have a wonderful holiday and do your part for the environment.  The holidays don’t have to be about big spending, big bills and big waste.  Adopt a new style and change the way you celebrate this year.